Grace Notes // Rule + Reign with God

Written by Keli Miller


We have what other religions do not have. We know the end of the story. Through visions and prophetic words we have been given an outline of what is to come. A few things we can expect:

  • God dwelling with humanity

  • Every tear and pain will be wiped away

  • The curse will be broken

  • To worship in the presence of our God

  • To be seated with him on tiny thrones

All throughout Revelation we have been repeatedly told that the Kingdom is near, and that the end is coming soon. Almost 2000 years later you begin to wonder: “when this is all going to play out and what does “coming soon” actually mean?”. I don’t know about you, but I’d like to see the original greek text. Surely there was an interpretation error and they meant to say “coming eventually” or something a little more realistic. The excitement of what is coming can often feel so out of reach sometimes. What is the point of the inbetween?

Our task is to live faithfully in the now but not yet. We know the end, we have the Good News already, and now our task is to partner with Him in establishing His Kingdom. He has entrusted us with gifts and given us authority. When I think of this I am reminded of the parable of the talents in Matthew 25. “For everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have more than enough. But from the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”

The man with one talent did not take responsibility for what he had been given authority over. Whatever his reasons were, fear, selfishness, pride, or neglect, he failed to take responsibility and therefore his master took his authority away.

Friends - in whatever season you are in, I can promise you this - you have been given spiritual authority over yourself, your body, your place of dwelling, your resources, and your gifts . Do you take responsibility in these areas? Have you been faithful with what you have already been given? Be faithful where you are and with what God has given you and you will have more than enough.

In The Word

Revelation 21-22

Matthew 25: 14-30

On The Journey Inwards

What specific things has God entrusted you with?

What areas have  you failed to take responsibility?

What does it mean to live with responsibility as a believer? With authority?

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