Talking With Frank
Hey Frank. What brought you to DC?
I think it all started probably a year before Chris and Jess moved up. They had actually had a video at Grace Midtown showing the church and the announcement. Me and Sarah had just started dating, we were in separate parts as a part of the hospitality team at Grace Midtown. We were both watching the video and at the same time both of our hearts got tugged. We felt the calling of God and felt like this was an awesome opportunity. I’ve always wanted to be part of a church plant and making a difference for the city. So at the end of that we both met with each other and said, “Did you feel the same way I did?” I was like yeah, we definitely gotta go to this. So we both prayed about it for quite a while and met with Chris at the open house event for the community. It just felt right, everything about it. Some opportunities even got presented to me in terms of my career, in terms of Sarah’s career, her family is up here. It just seemed like God was making it really clear where He wanted me to be. So hospitality is a huge part of my life and Sarah’s life, and we try to find every way we can to be a part of this church and give to it as much as we can.
How was that experience moving up?
Oh dude it was so scary. My entire family has lived in Georgia. They never really travel outside that part of the country, so it was scary for me. For Sarah, not so much. She has gone back and forth between Maryland and Georgia countless times, so this was nothing to her. It was a big step for me. My family wasn’t on board with it at first, but over time praying with them turned into them saying this is something God wants you to do so go for it. I think it just put a lot of peace in my heart. Even going up here rooming with you guys for the few months we were together, it was just comfortable. It felt like Jesus was there the whole step of the way. There were no obstacles or barriers that made it seem like we need to go back.
What would be your biggest encouragement to someone that wants to take a risk like that but feels nervous about it?
I’d say listen to your gut. Listen to your heart. If you try to go at it logistically and you try to plan everything out you’re going to fall flat on your face. You’re going to become terrified and you’re not going to make the decision. It requires a lot of faith. That’s the brunt of it. The clear, defining decision factor should be your faith. Not in, well I have enough money. Not in, well I have a place to live. I think God will put that all together as you take a step forward. That’s what faith is, you take a blind step. God will put the next rung in the ladder and the next tread on the stair for you.
What has been one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned being up here?
Don’t feel like you have to get involved with everything right at the get go. I know that one of the things I was trying to do was do as much as I could and I got burnt out really fast. So take baby steps. Start with what you’re comfortable with and then look at places where you can branch out and feel kinda scared. God will make it pretty clear to you what you’re terrified of and what you need to push towards. Don’t try to be a superhuman.
What’s a perfect day in the city? What do you love to do here?
I like to put a smile on someone’s face. It may not have to be a joke. I like to make people laugh, but it may just be giving a portion of myself to them, which could be giving something to someone who’s homeless or just getting my job done right. I like designing something in my workplace and giving it to my boss or my manager and making them happy with that. That’s my responsibility. I’m an engineer and I gotta engineer.
What do you want people to know about God?
He’s not the kind of God who requires you to have your ducks in row. He doesn’t require you to have everything figured out before you come to Him. That’s a huge part of my maturity and growing up in my faith. I grew up believing you need to be right with God at all times. You have to get all your sins forgiven before you can start praying to Him again. That’s how ridiculous it got. Once I started going to a public college and getting out of that isolated sphere, I started to see that in order for people to get an appeal for God, to get a taste of God, you have to be real and honest. You have to realize you’re going to fall on your face sometimes and you just gotta brush yourself off and pick yourself back up. God knows you for who you’re ultimately going to become, which is that sanctification process, and its beautiful. We don’t start at the end, we start at the beginning, but God sees us at the end the entire time. So He doesn’t care if you’ve stumbled off the path a couple times, He knows that as long as you’re trusting in Him and following Him you’re going to get there. That’s it. There’s nothing more to that. There doesn’t need to be some deep theological explanation for it. It’s very simple. God said that kids are the ones that would enter the kingdom first because they had a childlike faith. It doesn’t require you to understand everything about Him.
What’s your catchphrase?
“So Krech and so clean.” No brainer.
Perfect interview. Thanks Frank.