Talking with Francis

Francis Mwali Member Profile

Hi Francis, how did you hear about Grace Capital City?

Funny thing is I heard about you through Facebook actually. It just popped up on my window. And I thought, “Cool, I don't do anything at 5:00, I'll go check them out.” I loved it. I fell in love with everything. I fell in love with the worship. God's presence is here.

What do you think is one distinguishable characteristic of our church?

Community. It's big on community. I believe, as young people, we search for that a lot and we're looking for a place to belong. Grace has offered that to a lot people and that's why people come through the doors. That's the biggest thing that attracted me to Grace and that's the thing I love the most about Grace. It's community. And Jesus is the center of that community.

What's one distinguishable characteristic about you?

I don't know man. I live and breathe music, that's what I do. I love music. That's it, if you meet me and we're talking, somewhere I will slide music into the conversation. I don't know how but it just happens that way. That's the thing about me.

What would you say is the good news of Jesus to people in DC?

I think right now people are just looking for hope. I feel like the fear of uncertainty has crippled the nation. I was driving down DC the day after the elections and it was like a ghost town and you could feel the fear. You could feel it. But I want people to remind themselves everyday when they wake up that they are and always will be children of the most high, no matter who sits on the presidential seat and no matter what is going on in the country. They're still going to be children of the most high. Never forget that fact. It will carry you through to the next day. The next year. No matter what is happening, God is still on the throne. It is God who orchestrates everything.

What has the Lord been teaching you recently?

More than anything, he's been teaching me to trust solely on Him. Everything that I do now is on Him. I've never been so free. I've never trusted the Lord this much. I quit my job and put it all in His hands. With everything that I do from hear on out, I trust that God has it. It's built my faith and it's growing on a daily basis. I've seen things and I'm learning more about myself than I ever have. I thought I was one person, and it takes you putting everything into God's hands to realize who you really are.

What is your catchphrase?

Do I have one?

Yeah don't you always say, “what's up hotdog?”

No but maybe I should adopt that. I think I say gracias a lot. I don't know why. It's not a catchphrase but I just say that a lot. I just like it.

Gracias Francis!

Kirby Kaple